Are you ready to sing and worship with the children? We love to have them in our worship services, and they love it too! Don’t worry about their sounds and wiggles— God gave them those wiggles and we don’t suppress them in his house! They are His children and we welcome them, *all* of them.

Learning environments during the service have also been specially crafted for our kids- check it out below!


The nursery is available through the entire service for the little ones! They’ll love the play time (or nap time!) and you’ll be able to attend the gathering.


This class is full of fun and routine for our favorite high energy, curious kiddos. There will be a story, craft, and time to wiggle.

ADVENTURERS Ages 5 - End of 1st Grade

Central Kids is perfect for kiddos this age! It includes a Bible lesson, worship time and a craft activity. We love using the Dwell with God curriculum— check it out below!

We encourage them to join the Central Kids class during the sermon. We’ll announce a brief break between songs and the sermon so they can be dismissed. You’ll walk your child back to our kids’ wing, their nametag will be double checked, and they’ll have a great time! After the sermon (during the song), you can collect them at the same door which you dropped them off so that you can return upstairs and enjoy communion together.

G25 (2nd - 5th Graders)

Twice a month, students from 2nd to 5th grade will have their own lesson during the sermon. They will get to fellowship together and talk about the why behind church practices. During the other two weeks of each month, these students will be given a guide (and a snack) to help them focus in and glean the truth from the sermon.

Want to Volunteer with Central Kids?

Fill out this form and attend one of our trainings! You're going to love serving these kiddos. All volunteers must have a thorough background check and training with Ministry Safe before they are able to work with any children at our church.

Volunteer Interest Form