Got Questions?
We will do everything we can to make sure it’s not awkward for you and your family. You can plan your visit, preregister your kids, or even meet Dan for coffee to discuss any questions you might have.
Plan Your Visit with us, and we can arrange someone call you and talk a bit or even meet you for coffee to respond to any questions or concerns you might have. If you’d like, we will have someone meet you at the door on Sunday and help show you around and get your kids checked in to Central Kids. Check out our events tab for other ways to join us and meet some members of our community.
Our service is family friendly, and we LOVE kids! Families often sit together throughout the service.
A nursery is also provided for babies/toddlers ages 0-2 through the entire service. For kids 3 – (end of) 2nd grade, we have Central Kids, where a team of volunteers will teach an age appropriate Bible lesson, work on a craft, and sing praise songs.
Please arrive about 15 minutes early to get your family checked in to Central Kids, or You can Pre-Register your kids here!
We have plenty of parking around our building at 9108 N Rodney Parham Rd (Suite 214, the second floor). There are other businesses but most do not open on Sunday until after the conclusion of our service. Look for the Central Hope signs!
Our worship style is a blend of contemporary and ancient elements. You will hear the sounds of guitars and a kahone, but mostly the sound of joyful voices. We’ll sing a mix of new songs and older hymns. Our order of service gives us time for quiet reflection, prayer, reading, and singing. Each week there is a sermon based on a passage of the Bible. The message will point us to the good news of who Jesus is and what he has done, is doing, and will do to redeem the world. We believe that in all of these things God meets us, loves us, and shapes us as his people. As for what to wear, you can expect to see everything from blue jeans to blazers. Our weekly gathering is a time for us to re-group and re-focus as we are transformed to share the love of God in Christ with our neighbors. We’re saving you a seat!
Sunday School classes will kick off in September 2024!
Christianity isn’t about religion, but about receiving the love of God through Jesus and sharing that Love with Others. God transforms our lives, which transforms our city.
Our top priorities are 1- To be biblical in our doctrine and form of government and 2- to be committed to evangelism, Christian education, and the equipping of every Christ-follower for ministry. We are a member of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). The PCA was established in 1973 in response to the need for a biblical and evangelical witness to Jesus Christ, faithful to the scriptural truths recaptures in the protestant Reformation. To read more on what we believe about God, Man, Sin, Jesus, etc, click here.
For a great podcast on what being Presbyterian means, click here!
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